I Am David Assignment

For section 1, I have completed one map, two journal entries, two pictures/photographs of characters, and two quotations. I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors on my blog, please notify me if you see any and I will change them as soon as I can. For section 2, I have read over all of my posts, and completed and posted a five-word glossary. I have already responded to Philip's and Dima's pictures posts.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

David's Glossary

Since I understood all of the terms and expressions used  in the novel, I decided to create a glossary of five words that would have been important to David.

Beauty: A quality in/of a living creature, place, or object that is pleasant of meaningful to a person. It can be a smell, a texture, a sound, an action, or a taste. "...a sea bluer than any sky he had ever seen...villages whose bright colours gleamed dazzlingly...trees with many changing tints of green, and over it all shone the warming sun..."-this is what David sees when he gets off the boat and onto the Italian coast.

Freedom: A state in which you are allowed to speak and do what you choose to do; not under the forced influence of someone else. " David tried to explain that he had to be on his way, but when he held out his hand for his clothes, the two little ones started jumping around him, laughing and shouting, "You can't have them! You can't have them! Not before you come home with us!"... David began to grow angry. They might be glad he had rescued the little girl from the fire, but that gave them no right to tell him what to do. Nobody had that right."-David deserved to do what he pleased, however the boys, even though they really didn't mean to, were taking away David's freedom to do so. "The farmer used threats to force David to work, and said he would hand him over to the police if he did not obey."-The farmer took away David's freedom to do what he pleased by threatening him.

Kindness: A considerate,  caring, or helpful action to a living creature, place or object. "With all of the speed he could muster he undid his bundle and took out his knife, picked up his wet clothes again...with one hand held his trousers up in front of his nose and mouth. Then he sprang into the fire. {to save Maria}"- David saved Maria from the fire out of the kindness of his heart, not expecting anything in return from her family.

Suffering: Misery, pain, or torture experienced by a living creature when they are hurt by someone or something, including death. "Yet the boy could not keep his hands off of them: his greatest pleasure was causing pain to a living creature."-The farmer's son was cruel to the animals.

Greed: The excessive desire to have more of something than is needed to live or to succeed-including money, food, power, etc. "What the boy doesn't know, he won't miss."- In other words, if you don't know about something, then you will never have an excessive want for it.

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