I Am David Assignment

For section 1, I have completed one map, two journal entries, two pictures/photographs of characters, and two quotations. I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors on my blog, please notify me if you see any and I will change them as soon as I can. For section 2, I have read over all of my posts, and completed and posted a five-word glossary. I have already responded to Philip's and Dima's pictures posts.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Character Pictures Two: Maria

Please see the picture of Maria below.

I think this image is a good representation of Maria because in the novel, I imagined her as a ten year old girl who loved to play games, read books, and have fun. In the image, she is standing in her living room, and smiling. Maria seemed like a playful and joyful child in the novel, always joining in her brothers' games. I also drew Maria looking right at you. To me this says that she is confident in her abilities. She was a good scholar in the novel; she knew her geography and history. In I Am David, she always wanted to listen to David. I think this is because David was willing to tell her what she wanted to know more: about the real world outside of her household. I also think Maria was lonely sometimes, being the only girl with four other brothers. She probably wanted to just interact with someone her age that didn’t just run around and play “Davy Crockett and the Indians”. 

If you look closely, Maria is wearing a cross around her neck. This is the cross that she gives to David as he is leaving. I drew a blouse and plain black skirt on Maria because these are the kind of clothes that daughters of rich parents would wear around this time.

Also, the background of the picture is from a magazine. It is a picture of a fancy Italian house, and when I sawit, I thought that it would help add more feeling and emotion to the picture of Maria.  To me, the picture provides a happy atmosphere, as it is well lit, and has lighter tones.


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  3. ^sorry about that, I don't know why but I post it sucessfully...

    Anyways, love the picture. I couldn't do better myself. My concern is the detail. It is great how you did research about the clothes, but the backkground was just cut out from a random magazine? You should have done better, maybe did some research or looked back at the book.

    But great work, again, really good detail but I'm being very picky. You did a nice job of expressing Maria's personallity, a happy joyful person.

    Very nice work!


  4. Thank you Philip. I agree, as a matter of fact, I ripped the house picture out of Architectural Digest (we have several back issues at home). I found an article about houses in Italy, and this one happened to be from around/post WWII, and I decided it looked appropriate for Maria's house, so I ripped it out.

  5. Yes, finally with David Maria has a friend who will open up her world. David was the teacher and friend she needed. No one in her family took her seriously and allowed her to see a realistic view of the world.
    I know how much you agonized over creating this picture. Your diligence brought a realistic background of a home of affluence (Architectural Digest was the way to go here) , the cross and clothing, the smile on Maria's face,all the touches to present her character. Forget whether you
    can draw or not-most of us can't.
    Mrs. B


How would you rate I Am David on a scale of 1-10?